The magic of Aaron Paul. Yesterday after a long day at work, I got home and something happened that really upset me. I was very sad, and a friend She sent me a message and we started talking about the site and I told her I was out of ideas for posts, and I commented on what had happened.
She then sent me a youtube link with a video by Aaron Paul, and asked if I had seen it… that video I had never come across, it was a 6-minute live that our idol had done in 2015.
I started watching, although I don’t understand a word of what he said (you know I don’t speak English, I already talked about it on instagram) I understand a word or another, but I watch all AP videos that appear as if I understand everything.
And it’s so amazing, I get into that energy of Aaron and everything really transforms.
I believe he has no idea of the power he has, the radiant energy he transmits, he has no idea how he can do and transform someone’s bad moment into a moment of light and peace.
I watched the 6 minutes of the live recording and when it ended I already had a smile on my face and without that heavy feeling that was in my heart.
This video had nothing special, no special message from Aaron (I know because my friend who sent the link, summarized what he said) he was at his house, apparently with nothing to do and decided to go live on instagram and started to answer questions from whoever was there.
It was a simple video, but Aaron is a person of contagious energy, and that was enough to transform a sad moment.
I thanked my friend for sending me that video and said I already felt better. She replied, “The magic of Aaron”.
The word “magic” seems quite fanciful to many people as it is an element of fictional and fantastical worlds, but magic is among us, it is among people.
When I say ‘Aaron’s magic’, I understand that it is an energy that he has (but that anyone can have too) an energy that transcends and that is good for those around him, those who live with him, who are fans like me. Really, Aaron’s Magic, maybe he never reads this, maybe he doesn’t know that he brings with him a magic inside him.
A magic that can illuminate other people, bring a smile back, calm a heart, amuse, in short, it enchants wherever it goes.
I’m a fan who admires his idol so much and every time something like this happens I can only be more grateful.
I love my idol so much and the more I get to know him, the more I respect and admire him. ?
NORMALLY this type of text I like to make and post on intagran, but today I felt like leaving it registered here on the site.