Big Love was an TV drama that first aired in 2006 and ran until 2011 clocking in 5 seasons. It focused on the complex life of Bill Henrickson (played by the late great Bill Paxton) a Utah Polygamist, and his three wives and extended family.
Unlike other showcase series in this section, this series cast Aaron Paul as a reacuring guest star. First appearing in the opening episode of season two, he played the part of Scott Quittman. Starting as a somewhat straight laced guy, almost nerdy in appearance, he begins to win the heart of Bill’s Eldest daughter, Sarah (played by Amanda Seyfried) despite being 10 years older than her.
History of Scott
Season two provided the most appearances we saw of Scott Quittman, with the strongest storyline for his character. Looking at the real world situation, this season was filmed/shown in 2007, and we all know how busy Aaron became in 2008 with another little show he became a part of.
That said, rather than simply write Aaron Paul out of Big Love once he was cast in Breaking Bad, it seems there was an understanding between the two productions that allowed Aaron to do both series between 2008 and 2011. Breaking Bad shorter seasons afforded Aaron the chance to be available to come back to Big Love when he was needed for the story, and with his on-screen love Amanda Seyfreid, became a popular duo with the show’s fans. It was during season three that her role grew bigger until she ultimately left at the end of season four (due in part to the success she had with Momma Mia! in 2008).
Evolution of Scott
It should also be noted that there is a very distinct change in how the character of Scott Quittman appeared in the series from Season Three, with a much more ‘handsome’ less nerdy appearance (we also might be imagining it but it seemed like a fair few more ‘bedroom’ scenes!)
According to IMDb Aaron Paul made a total of 14 episodes, however having re-watched the series I disovered he’s actually in at least 15 episodes. Making fewer appearances as each season happened.
Season Two – 8/9 episodes
Season Three – 3 episodes
Season Four – 2 episodes
Season Five – 1 episode (the final one).
When I look at this series, and Aaron’s part in it I find it fascinating that when he began he truly was a struggling actor, but by his final appearance he was an Emmy winning star. He remained loyal to the series, when he could have simply focused solely on his Breaking Bad success, and his character was given a storyline that by the end was very satisfying.
Perfect Chemistry
His popular pairing with Amanda Seyfried was later ressurected in the movie ‘Fathers and Daughters’ and for a short time rumours strongly linked the pair to the then great unknown MCU project ‘Guardians of the Galaxy’ playing Quill and Gamora respectively (completely based on rumours only, it was never officially confirmed or ever acknowledged, but fans knew enough about the pair for it to be a well received rumour at the time).
Scott Quittman: The disappearing business Man
Scott Quittman first appeared as a concerned support group worker, and his interest in Sarah is apparent early on and she soon warms to his advances. They navigate a turbulant time of being accepted by those closest to Sarah and then he has to come to terms with Sarah’s family secret, but soon they form a strong bond until at the beginning of season three Sarah, as far as Scott is concerned, suddenly decides to end things and he leaves town (possibly runing to New Mexico for a few months?? lol).
Scott returns by the end of season three having discovered that Sarah had miscarried the baby he didn’t know about, but they rekindle their relationship and Sarah asked Scott if he will marry her, and he says yes before going away on business again (it’s a theme… lol).
In season four Scott has returned and after a failed attempt to elope, the two finally marry in her parent’s back yard. Scott then has business out of town, leaving Sarah to join him for their honeymoon and then tell her family they are now both leaving Utah to live in Portland.
The final time we actually see Scott is in the fifth season, when he returns with Sarah and their new little one, a baby named in honor of her father Bill who in the series had died 11 months earlier.
Big Love for Big Love
As mentioned above, I find Big Love a fascinating series to watch. You see the transition of Aaron Paul as an actor as each appearance passes, but also he plays a character who has no hang-ups, addictions or trauma. He’s simply a man who loves a woman, and well, clearly loves to work away from home!
That’s taking nothing away from Aaron’s portrayal, it’s so watchable and Scott really is a likeable character. There is a lovely chemistry with Sarah/Amanda Seyfried, that really makes these characters shine and its understandable why they were so popular with the show’s fans.