If you have just discovered Aaron Paul (welcome!) then we are going to safely assume it’s from also discovering the masterpiece that is ‘Breaking Bad‘, and by association we would hope that you have also already watched ‘El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie’ and possibly the two appearences in ‘Better Call Saul‘.
But is there more to Aaron Paul than Jesse Pinkman? Yes, much more, and to follow is our friendly guide to other works we feel you must now watch, to become more aquainted with this amazing actor. Naturally, our advice will always be ‘watch every single minute of work he’s ever done’. However, that is not always practical, and really, you need a helping hand to know what to ‘really’ watch next, so below are 15 titles to get you started (Trust us, even narrowing it down to just 15 was a task!).
And to those who may not have discovered Aaron Paul in ‘Breaking Bad‘, ‘El Camino‘ or ‘Better Call Saul‘, maybe it was from one of the below recommendations, well we salute you, but now strongly advise you to drop everything and settle in for a fantastic ride… go watch Breaking Bad right now, you will thank us later (and we’ll be a little jealous of the greatness that awaits you!)
If you are a fully paid up member of the Aaron Paul fan club already (we kid, there’s no fee, or fan club, just us…) then take a look at the list below and ensure you’re part of the cool kids club (again no club, or cool kids) by being able to say you know exactly what we’re talking about!

Released in 2014, and started filming the very next day after finishing Breaking Bad.
This is a must watch for any AP fan, playing the lead hero character, it’s a fun story made better with actual thrilling car stunts and thrilling action sequences. Should have made more in this series!
Available on DVD, Blu-Ray and Netflix

Released in 2014
Set in London, the story starts with 4 strangers who meet under a cloud of suicide, but becomes a story of hope – an enjoyable watch that shows AP’s full range, with a great supporting cast around him.
Available on DVD and to rent on Amazon Prime, You Tube, Google Play

2016 – 2018
3 seasons
AP plays a husband and father in this story about faith, and living in a ‘cult’. This is a must watch, with so many episodes but be warned it was cancelled without a story resolution, but still really worth seeing!
Available on DVD (Australia) and to rent on Apple TV, Amazon Prime, You Tube and Google Play

2014 – 2019
6 seasons
Voicing the loveable character ‘Todd Chavez’, a man with many ideas and an unreal optimistic approach to life, this 6 season series is a masterpeice in itself, but also to admire AP’s voice acting talents that creating such an iconic character.
Seasons 1 & 2 available on DVD and Blu-Ray, also available on Netflix

season 1
This drama is a hidden gem, and should have got a lot more exposure that it did. One of Apple TV’s first original productions, AP plays a guy who’s grown up in prison, but it soon comes into question if he was truly the criminal he’s been made out to be.
Available to view on Apple TV, soon to be released on DVD/Blu-Ray (2024)

Released in 2015
Reunites AP with his Big Love co-star Amanda Seyfried
A film with a truly inspiring storyline that follows the important relationship between father and daughter. AP plays an admirer of both the father’s writing, and ultimately his daughter, setting up a really fascinating storyline thats well worth catching!
Available on DVD and to rent on You Tube, Google Play, Apple TV

Released in 2007
An independant film that really showcases AP’s ability to really make you root for his character as he wakes up in more and more confused states that causes him to handcuff himself to a bed – its simply a must watch 😉
Available on DVD (hard to find) and You Tube

Season 6, Episode 3
‘Beyond the Sea’
A very recent addition, and well worth watching to see AP excel at his craft taking on two roles, and breaking our hearts in the only way he can! A story that will stay with you for days after you watch it.
Available to watch exclusively on Netflix (DVD release expected 2024)

2020 & 2022
Seasons 3 & 4
AP joins the story in season 3 and we are introduced to ‘Caleb’, a fascinating, tortured character that will really take you on a wonderful journey. From a freedom fighter to a dedicated father, you will really see some amazing moments with this series.
Season 3 & 4 available on DVD/Blu-Ray/4K, to rent on Apple TV, Amazon Prime

Released in 2000
One of AP’s earliest roles that is certainly worth watching. A period in his career where AP portrayed ‘nerdier’ roles, which is just amusing to watch. The fashion is one of the key reasons to watch this, and a taste of his more comedic talent.
Available on DVD and to rent on Amazon Prime, Apple TV, You Tube

Released in 2020
Filmed in 2011
Based on a true story, this really film will make you appreciate life. Filmed in 2011, but not released till 2020, you can only wonder what prevented the initial release because AP’s performance is stunning, believable and not to be missed – its a shame it didn’t get the exposure it probably deserved.
Available on DVD (Australia) and to rent on Amazon Prime

Released in 2012
There’s one key reason to watch this – AP plays drunk so wonderfully, it’s such a treat to enjoy. With my serious face on, this is also a great telling of a harrowing truth of alcoholism told in such a normal non-shocking way that it hits the mark.
Available on DVD and to rent on Google Play, You Tube, Amazon Prime

Season 1, Episode 10
‘The Popular Kids’
Eyeliner. That’s it, that’s the reason. In this guest staring role, AP has a handful of mainly interview room scenes, but boy is that a look he’s sporting, so check it out for that reason alone! (Don’t judge us, we can still fangirl as well as be serious reviewy types!)
Season 1 available on DVD, check local TV services for Criminal Minds Season One re-runs

Released in 2016
AP plays the lead in this action packed mystery of a film. Its a great role for him as his character fights to discover the truth of his partner’s disappearance, and simply an enjoyable film to watch.
Available on DVD/Blu-Ray, to rent on You Tube, Google Play, Amazon Prime, Apple TV

Released in 2016
If you ever wanted to simply hug Jesse, then trust us, watching this will make you want to hug Gabe just as much! The other bonus is Norman Reedus plays his older brother – add a star studded cast just makes this a must see.
Available on DVD/Blu-Ray, to rent on You Tube, Google Play, Amazon Prime, Apple TV
Please be advised that the availability notes for the above titles could differ in different regions and are noted to the best of our knowledge at publication (August 2023)
And there we have it, that’s our key picks for new (and older) fans alike to ensure they get the best of Aaron Paul through his past works.
We are certain that this time next year his new film ‘Ash’ will likely join the group of must sees, we simply can’t wait to see him in that role, especially if the cool haircut he’s sporting since it is anything to go by!
BUT we do have to stress, there are so many more titles we could have added and it was actually quite a task to slim it down to the 15 titles above!! So if you do make it through the above list, and still want more then rest assured you still have some gems to discover from his back catalogue.
For more in AP’s earlier career be sure to check out ‘Wasted‘, ‘Perfect Opposites‘, his guest star in the series ‘The Guardian‘ is particularly a highlight, as well as a perfectly nerdy performance in ‘Bad Girls from Valley High‘ – a terrible movie but AP shines!
More recent gems to make sure you watch ‘Last House on the Left‘, ‘American Woman‘, ‘Hellion‘, ‘Decoding Annie Parker‘ and ‘The Parts you Lose‘ – all amazing stories and AP is his usual amazing self but seriously, even now we’re still missing so many great guest appearances and more, just open AP’s IMDb credits and get searching, and watching!
Check out Part 1 of this series and look out for Part 3 coming soon!