If last week felt too good to be true for AP fans, then this week has basically kept those good vibes going with two more amazing episodes featuring our favourite! Hence our update to mark what a great time to be an Aaron Paul fan!
We know this feeling won’t last forever, with both Westworld and Better Call Saul hurtling towards their final episodes of their respective seasons. Let’s rejoice as we take another look at the amazing television we have been presented with this week from both shows.
Westworld takes no prisoners!
Sunday night’s episode ‘Metanoia’ brought all the major players into the forefront. Things stepped up, the action was non-stop and Season Four is truly becoming one of Westworld’s best seasons with the way all the stories are coming together in such a clever way. There is never a dull moment, and I can honestly say there is no character or arc that I’m not deeply invested in. I also have no idea how the final episode of this season will fair, it’s so hard to truly call and I love that. I also hope death is only temporary still in this show!
Caleb continues to grow, and this episode saw him finally reuinited with his daughter, albeit much older than he remembers even though he looks exactly the same to her. With the fast pacing, and so much story to tell, Caleb and Frankie had barely enough time to really enjoy their reunion before they had to move, and keep moving.

I truly hope we get a scene in the finale where we see these two reconnecting as father and daughter – and I have no idea if this ‘version’ of Caleb even has that much time, I really hope this version is more robust than the ones Charlotte was simply toying with.
The scene we never knew we needed – Better Call Saul!
Whilst we had the vague knowledge/rumour that there was another ‘Jesse’ scene in addition to the joint Walt & Jesse scene, this one really was a lovely surprise.
This season of Better Call Saul has been such a masterclass in storytelling and film making, each episode has had me transfixed and this latest episode ‘Waterworks’ was no different – actually there was a small difference. 1 – the episode being called Waterworks really had me nervous, and almost fearing what that could actually mean. 2 – written and directed by Vince Gilligan – I mean come on, what sane person would be ok with that, those credits alone promises something crazy, amazing and breathtaking but also being potentially his final such credits in the Breaking Bad universe, in an episode entitled Waterworks… yeah I was not ok, and rightly so.
The queen ‘Kim Wexler’ gave us a tour de force, Rhea Seahorn was stunning in her portrayal of Kim needing to do the right thing. If she does not win an Emmy for her work on Better Call Saul a huge injustice will have taken place.
BUT… despite how amazing this episode was, as ever, there was obviously THAT scene that truly gave the Jesse Pinkman fans something to shout about.

From that slow reveal, reminiscent of Walter standing in Skyler’s kitchen in BrBa, to the on point delivery and energy, we were gifted with what might well be the final Jesse Pinkman scene in this universe and if that is the case – THANK YOU VINCE, THANK YOU AARON – Long Live Jesse Pinkman, that needs to be said.
Jesse was right back in our living rooms, loud, talking non-stop, about nonsense to fill the air and Kim allowed him to just Jesse her, her reactions were perfectly subdued by comparison.
There was a comment on Twitter after the episode aired that really hit hard…

Kim Passes the torch to Jesse
Kris Wernowsky @kriswenowsky
I really can’t unsee that now, Kim now free of her suffering and finally free of Saul Goodman having just signed the divorce papers, meeting with Jesse who’s about to embark on his own journey of suffering at the hands of Walter White.
Vince Gilligan. Genius. I’m going to assume that was intentional.
UPDATED: After writing this copy I listened to the BCS podcast that Vince Gilligan was a guest on and discovered that on the day they filmed this cameo of Jesse Pinkman meeting Kim Wexler, that Aaron Paul was suffering badly with a migraine! The rain, lighting and smoking clove cigerettes were not helping, so I am simply in awe even more now – in Vince’s own words he was a trooper! Knowing this now, my respect for this scene is sky high and the irony of this both being technically the first ‘Jesse’ appearance in the timeline, and possibly the last time Aaron plays him on screen – and suffering is still involved is not lost on me!